There are a number of parks and green spaces in the area, including Audubon Park, the Mississippi River Levee, Palmer Park, Dublin Park, and Carrollton Cemetery. Here is a map of all New Orleans' Parks and Greenspaces.
Carrollton Courthouse
St. Charles Streetcar
Mississippi River
Audubon Park
Walk and run in the neighborhoods, in Audubon Park, on the levee. Be careful running or walking on the neutral grounds, as drivers may not expect to see you there. Don't walk or run in the
bike lanes. It endangers the bikers.
There are bike lanes on Carrollton and St. Charles, in Audubon Park and on the levee. Be careful of the drop off on the levee.
Loyola Recreation Center (Community/Early Bird Memberships)
Maple Leaf Bar (Local Bar, Local
Friends of Music Top notch national and international chamber music. Dixon Hall, Tulane University.
New Orleans Piano Competition Every other July at Rouselle Hall, Loyola University, International Competition.